The African Union PROTOCOL TO THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON HUMAN AND PEOPLES’ RIGHTS ON THE RIGHTS OF CITIZENS TO SOCIAL PROTECTION AND SOCIAL SECURITY is a comprehensive document aimed at enhancing social welfare and economic stability across the African continent that was adopted in February 2022 by the African Union Heads of state and government.
The Protocol has 39 Articles with articles 3 and 4 focusing on State obligation to social protection and social security. The document outlines a framework for member states to establish effective social protection systems, including healthcare, unemployment benefits and pensions to eradicate poverty, reduce inequality and ensure the well-being of their citizens.
APSP is fully committed to promoting the ratification of this protocol as it has the potential to empower African nations to collaboratively address the pressing social and economic challenges their populations face, which include; improving access to essential services, fostering economic development by reducing social disparities and creating a more equitable and stable environment that ultimately contributes to the region’s peace, security, and sustainable development.
Ratifying this protocol is thus crucial for fostering social justice, stability, and prosperity across Africa.