SMART PARTNERSHIP: APSP, Smart Africa partner to amplify children’s social protection rights in East and Southern Africa


SMART PARTNERSHIP: APSP, Smart Africa partner to amplify children’s social protection rights in East and Southern Africa

Africa Platform Social Protection (APSP) and Save the Children International (SCI) are jointly implementing a project to mainstream Child Sensitive Social Protection (CSSP) in East and Southern Africa with the broader goal to promote the wellbeing of children in Africa

APSP will make use of the Smart Africa Media platforms to engage stakeholders, publish and amplify the contents from a guide to developing child sensitive social protection programmes in Africa

NAIROBI, Kenya: The Africa Platform for Social Protection (APSP) ( has partnered with the Smart Africa Media ( to amplify children’s social protection rights in East and Southern Africa regions.

APSP, a Non-Governmental Organization operating at grassroots, national and regional levels, with a commitment to promoting and strengthening the social contract between states and citizens, has employed the services of  the pan-African online media platform to reach out and sensitize their target stakeholders and audience to promote children’s social protection rights.

According to the Programme Manager Child Rights Governance, the APSP and Save the Children International (SCI) have developed a child sensitive social protection guide which provides guidance on considerations in the design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of social protection interventions and programmes.

APSP and Save the Children International (SCI) are jointly implementing the project with the broader goal to promote the wellbeing of children in Africa and will make use of the Smart Africa Media platforms to engage stakeholders, publish and amplify the outcome and contents from the Guide.[C.H1]

“APSP is pleased to collaborate with Smart Africa Media to promote the adoption and use of a guide to developing child sensitive social protection programmes in Africa, APSP Programme Manager Cyrilla Heyi said.

“The guide targets to inform policy makers including national assemblies and regional parliamentary forums and Programme implementers including Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in East and Southern Africa.”

APSP is cognizant to the fact that there is an emerging recognition that beyond income poverty, a much larger proportion of children are faced by multidimensional poverty affected by more than one type of deprivation relating to education, health, shelter, water and sanitation, hence the need to enhance positive outcomes for children in social protection, through CSSP, the very issues that APSP will address through Smart Africa Media platforms.

“This partnership is very unique in the sense that it’s an opportunity that puts us squarely at a pole position to amplify and sensitize child sensitive issues to both policy and decision makers at the continental level, Smart Africa Media Founder and Managing Editor Elvis Mboya said.

“We don’t take it for granted that we have been duly identified and recognized as a valued partner in this very important campaign to provide the much needed platform poised to play a crucial role of engaging stakeholders and disseminating relevant information to help shape the future of Africa’s children.”

LEAD IMAGE: [L-R] Smart Africa Media Founder and Managing Editor Elvis Mboya joined APSP Staff led by Cyrilla Heyi – Programme Manager Child Rights Governance, Martin Mbuvi – Deputy Director and Elizabeth Odera – Administration Officer for a signing ceremony at APSP Secretariat in Upper Hill, Nairobi. Image: Contributed.



The Africa Platform for Social Protection (APSP) ( is a pan African network of organizations operating at grassroots, national and regional levels, with a commitment to promoting and strengthening the social contract between states and citizens.

To achieve this, the APSP promotes active engagement of National Platforms in the shaping of Social Protection policies, programs, and practices in Africa. APSP has established 27 platforms to engage at the national level.

We are a Pan Africa NGO that works with governments, private sector, development agencies, research institutions and grassroots communities in Africa by designing, testing and delivering appropriate poverty alleviation models to the poor and underserved communities through social protection programs.

We create partnerships with civil society & other organizations to engage with Government & International Development Agencies (IDAs) to develop & Implement innovative social protection strategies & programmes that make a difference in poor and vulnerable households in Africa.

We exist to strengthen civil society engagements with state and non-state actors for effective service delivery in Social Protection.

For more information, please visit:


Smart Africa Media ( is a pan-African online media convergence platform, incorporating a Daily Newspaper, Digital TV, and soon to introduce Podcast to amplify pro-development and success stories across Africa and the Diaspora, to inspire investment and growth.

The multimedia outlet is cultivating smart partnerships, correspondences and audiences across Africa and the Diaspora, with a strong emphasis to deliver business and economic stories that are positive, constructive, and empowering.

In the process, we have secured Media Partnerships for the African Energy Chamber’s premier event African Energy Week 2021 ( in Cape Town, South Africa and with the Africa Platform for Social Protection (, to amplify children’s social protection rights in East and Southern Africa regions.

We also Collaborate with the APO Group (, to distribute Africa’s related positive news content.





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