Kenya Platform (Social Protection Actors Forum) continues to engage with the government and Parliament in protecting socio-economic rights. The government is planning to repeal the Social Assistance Act 2013, without providing mechanisms for an alternative law that will guide social assistance. The platform has been vigilant in this legal process to ensure social assistance rights are anchored in law. The platform has drafted a memorandum on the Social Assistance (Repeal) Bill of 2020, which was shared with the Kenyan Parliament. They have also made oral submissions on this to Parliament. CSOs have also been involved in the distribution of food, hygiene kits as well as sensitization of their members on COVID 19 as well as government COVID 19 guidelines, staying safe, GBV, child-sensitive social protection among others.
Consideration For a Universal Child Benefit (UCB) For Kenya.
Authored by Cyrilla Heyi, Reviewed by Merlene Opondo The Need for Expansion of Social...